Tortuga (1979)

Tortuga, First Draft - Edited, Pages 100-213 (Part 2 of 2).

This early draft manuscript, which was originally titled The Roots of Sadness, is divided into two parts because of the length of the document. This part (Part 2) includes pages 100-213 of the draft, while part 1 includes pages 1-99. The draft is a typescript with fairly extensive handwritten edits and corrections by the author. Interestingly, in the second half of the manuscript, the author omits chapter heading markings, so chapter divisions have been estimated.


This is Anaya's third novel, in which he utilizes his own childhood experience of being temporarily crippled in a swimming accident to create a semi-ficitonal story. The novel examines the concept of healing not merely as a physical recovery, but as a spiritual process of finding one's roots, inner strength, and community belonging.